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Stephen K Crane - Active Member
Dog(s) :MAJOR -
Branch: USAF
Unit(s): 432nd SPS (Udorn) Thailand
War(s): Vietnam
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Joined the Air Force in June 1966 one step ahead of the draft. Spent 30 days in basic training at Amarillo and shipped to Homestead, Florida after a brief leave. Assigned to the 19th CDS without any tech school or security clearance. After a short spell of humping the ramp in non-priority areas they put me in Base Police. OJT got me on gate duty at first and then it was a rotation of base patrol & gate duty. One early morning while waiting for my midnight shift to end on the West Gate the kennel master stopped to say hi. It was a week later I discovered I had volunteered for K-9 duty. A little more OJT and shortly after that I had an "A" at the end of my AFSC. Then in June of 68 we got the word that all K-9 handlers and dogs were shipping out. While most of my buddies went directly to Vietnam and Thailand somehow I got send to Arkansas. But just for 8 months and then off to Thailand for my last year in the AF.