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Mel Steinhauer - Active Member
Dog(s) :HEIDI - M066 , CAESAR - 594X
Branch: Army
Unit(s): 212th MP (Long Binh)
War(s): Vietnam

Mel & Army Scout Dog Heidi in 1969


I arrived at the 212th MP Sentry Dog Company in July 68 at Long Binh with Caesar 594X. We walked the perimeter of the ammo dump until October 68. The 212th had a 5 man all-volunteer Scout Dog Unit going on patrols in the villages, rivers and paddies outside Long Binh with Bravo Co., 720th MP bn. I replaced a handler who was wounded by the VC on patrol one night and that's how I got Heidi M066. We walked point with 10 man squads on patrols from Nov 68 to June 69 when my tour was over and I returned back to The States.