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48th Infantry Platoon Scout Dogs (DaNang)

Director: Tom Sykes

The 48th IPSD Facebook page address is

The 48th was with the 196th LIB under American Division. Pleiku/An Khe/LZ Hawk Hill/LZ Baldy/Chu Lai

Total: 60
StatusNameDates ServedDogTattoo
Deceased Everett H. Barraclough 02/15/1968 - 02/14/1969CHASE98X6
Lifetime Jacky Bayne BRUNO26X8
Inactive Gary Biggar
Inactive Stuart Blankenship
Inactive Robert Bonczkowski BLITZ10A6
Lifetime Tommy Bratcher
Inactive Charlie Cargo WOLF66M0
Inactive Ernie L Carmicle 09/01/1970 - 03/01/1971VON514A
KIA Melvin Carrillo 03/03/1968
Inactive Donald Chubb CHAMP046M
Lifetime Rick Claggett BIG BOY72A0
Inactive Skip Davis 08/01/1968 - 08/01/1969SARGE
KIA Alan Eunice Davis 03/21/1971
Inactive Russell Devoe ROMMEL956M
KIA Richard Albert Doria 08/19/1969
Inactive Buck Evelien SARGE
Lifetime Paul Feery CAESAR24A0
Inactive David Foulk

Lifetime Andre' Fournier
Inactive Dennis Frazier
Inactive Dale E Gaster 12/30/1969 - 08/31/1970ROYAL19X8
Inactive Stephen Gates Sr. WOLF66M0
Lifetime Jeffrey Gerst FINK100M
Inactive Jim Gregoire TINA19X7
Inactive Kirby L. Hickman ROYAL19X8
Lifetime Timothy Kann 10/15/1971 - 03/14/1972ROMMEL956M
Deceased Walter J. Kinney Jr. 01/01/1968 - 06/30/1968ERIC365B
No Contact Info David Lane BENNO0K47
Inactive Iley Lebouef 01/01/1969ERIK
Active Member Steve Lemish 07/01/1971 - 12/20/1971DUKE96M0
Inactive Richard Leslie KING
Lifetime Nels Luthman Jr. CASEY742A
Inactive Edward Moreno 06/01/1970 - 12/01/1971HERMANM417
KIA Martin M Mugavin
KIA John Paul Olmstead
Deceased Walter Pawlowicz 09/15/1970 - 04/22/1971KING IIT049
Deceased Cecil Pendleton FRITZ14X8
Deceased Wally R. Ployer 03/15/1971 - 09/10/1971SEAGRAMS212M
Lifetime Steven Prichard 09/01/1971 - 11/01/1971CEASAR4M98
Lifetime Roy G. Quada KING22X4
Deceased Bobby J. Railey 08/01/1971 - 03/28/1972VON514A
Deceased Randy Frank Ransom 03/15/1968 - 03/14/1969HASSO0K08
Lifetime Charles Rodd
Inactive Jesus (Jay) M Roig 01/15/1967 - 02/15/1968ROYAL19X8
Lifetime Jack Schlieker VICTOR143A
Lifetime Ricky Shaw 09/01/1971 - 03/30/1972
09/01/1971 - 03/30/1972
Lifetime Daryl E. Sheppard HASSO0K08
Inactive Ronald Smart HOBO4X42
Lifetime Michael Patrick Stanton CHIEFX463
Inactive Stanley Stockdale BRUNO26X8
Lifetime Tom Sykes 02/28/1968 - 02/14/1969ROYAL19X8
Lifetime David Bruce Thomason BALDY
Lifetime Todd Trammell CHEYENNEM258
Inactive Ted Van Aulen JrWARLOCK35M8
Lifetime Walter Vetuski 09/01/1971 - 03/01/1972CHAMP463A
Lifetime Russell 'Doc' T. Walters NONEVET TECH
Inactive Anthony Watson DUKEM230
Inactive Vernon Whybrew TIP08X2
Inactive Dennis H Wittman 05/05/1969 - 03/15/1970BULLET612M
Lifetime Donald Wrye 01/01/1970SAM983M